The world of business and tech are more connected than ever before. However, we believe opportunities at Queen’s that connect these two worlds are missing.

At Queen’s, business is business and tech is tech. Students studying these fields are left with no choice other than to fit into stereotypical boxes despite the undeniable intersection of the two fields. What is the intersection? We believe it's entrepreneurship.

QSC bridges the gap between business and technology by getting students to dip their toes in the startup ecosystem.

We founded this team with the mission of exposing students to the world of disruptive entrepreneurship while helping tech entrepreneurs deepen their impact. We achieve this by equipping our members with the skills, people, and mindset to provide strategic consulting services to high-growth startups. 

Our consultancy’s impact spanned much farther than just our clients and our members–we are now an instrumental piece in the Queen’s innovation ecosystem. We are very proud to call our team a tight-knit community, which was developed through a careful selection process and a strong sense of commitment.

We are unconventional thinkers at QSC, and our team is just the start of a life-long association of founders, business leaders, and disruptive innovators. If you are interested in joining our team, we hire in March.

What we value in our team


Being honest about what you know and don’t. Having the right to an opinion and upholding that. Being genuine.


Having the mentality of a founder. Being a risk-taker. Committing utmost time and effort to a new project. Being bold with ideas and following through with them.


Seeking knowledge. Genuine love for the process of learning. Having the ability to learn quickly. Being okay with new exploring new concepts.

Drive to Impact

Having the goal to leave things better than how you found them. Having a sense of purpose with projects, and being socially mindful in the process.

Growth Mindset

Being okay with failure. Taking failures as learning opportunities. Being okay with ambiguity and the unknown. Seeking discomfort.